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Data Science

25 Mar, 2024

What is Data Analysis & Why It Matters?

This article will explain the definition of data analysis, why it is important, the basic ways to do it, and common tools when analyzing data.

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25 Mar, 2024

Best 10 Data Analysis Tools for Business

In this article, we'll delve into the top 10 best data analysis tools for businesses and why they're suitable for different business requirements.

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25 Mar, 2024

Data Analysis for Beginners: How to do it?

This article will guide you through 5 steps to do data analysis. Answering the question "how to do data analysis".

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31 May, 2024

What Is Data Warehouse Architecture & How To Design It?

Demystifies the concept, outlines the different types of architecture, and guides you step-by-step through designing your data warehouse architecture.

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4 Jun, 2024

Statistics: Definition, Types, Importance & Examples

What are statistics? How to classify it? What statistics mean in life and real-life examples. These questions will be answered in this article.

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19 Jun, 2024

How to Become an Actuary? Definition & Responsibilities

Actuaries have analytical thinking and real-world impact. They take on exciting daily tasks, have a specific educational path, and receive a rewarding salary.

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24 Jun, 2024

Feature Engineering 101: What It Is & Why It Matters

Today, we're diving into the world of machine learning (ML) and a fundamental concept that separates good models from exceptional ones: feature engineering.

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5 Jul, 2024

Financial Statement Analysis: Types, Tools & How to Analyze

This article delves into the core of financial statement analysis, its types, essential techniques, and tools, highlighting how to master these principles.

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19 Jul, 2024

Difference Between Data Analysis and Interpretation

Let's explore the distinction between data analysis and interpretation; it illuminates their distinct roles in contributing to informed decision-making.

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