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Get to Sleep Quickly: Beat poor sleep, good sleep habits, gain energy, music, meditations; techniques beat insomnia
1.787 Students
All Levels5.0
You will learn new habits to get you to sleep quickly every night
You will learn a number of techniques to practice nightly to get to sleep and stay asleep
You will know what to do if you wake up during the night and how to get back to sleep quickly
You will have a number of meditations to choose from to help you get to sleep quickly
You will learn how to prepare your room and sleeping area for a good sleep
You will know what to eat and drink to aid a good nights sleep
No experience is required, students of all ages will benefit from this course.
Anyone who suffers from insomnia, or who cannot get to sleep and or stay asleep.
In this course you will learn techniques to get you to sleep and return you to sleep quickly if you wake up. After completing the short course you will in less than a week be able to drift of to sleep effortlessly.
You will learn how to prepare yourself for sleep.
How to prepare your room and sleeping area.
You will know what to eat and drink to prepare you for a good nights sleep.
You will have a number of techniques to practice so that you ready and relaxed for sleep.
You will be able to listen to meditations nightly to get you to sleep quickly.
You will develop new sleep habits.
Within days you will wake up feeling refreshed and ready for your day.
No longer will you:-
Wake up during the night and unable to get back to sleep.
Feel really tired at bedtime and then find you can’t get to sleep.
Feel restless and anxious when you go to bed.
Find your mind is so busy it wakes you in the middle of the night.
Feel guilty that you are so tired you have no patience for your kids and partner.
Spend your days dragging yourself around because you are so tired
Feel really grumpy on a daily basis.
Feel so tired that the minute you sit down you are afraid you might fall asleep at work or at the school play.
Find your sleep is constantly disturbed by waking early, waking often and not being able to get to sleep for hours.
Will you be constantly worry about not getting enough sleep and that you will never sleep again.
Will you worry about how much sleep you need, that you don’t get 7-8 hours per night.
Say NO to friends and family outings because you are just too tired?
You won't struggle any longer with lack of sleep or bouts of insomnia.
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