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How to Transition to Product Management (And Succeed)

An introductory course for everyone who wants to become a Product Manager in 2024

3.144 Students




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What you will learn

  • Identify who a Product Manager is and what types of Product Managers exist (including emerging ones).

  • Understand end-to-end Product Management Process

  • Learn three strategies to build up your product management expertise to transition to the Product Manager role successfully.

  • Learn how to utilize all transferable skills you already possess to speed up the transition

  • Complete a practical exercise to assess your current skills and find transferable skills you already have to apply for the PM position.

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • There are no prerequisites for the course, and it will be ideal for beginners who start exploring opportunities to join the Product Management tribe.

Who is this course for

  • Professionals planning to transition to a Product Manager role.

  • Software Engineers looking to transition to Product Management.

  • Data scientists looking to transition to Product Management.

  • UX Designers looking to transition to Product Management.

  • Sales and Marketing team members looking to transition to Product Management.

  • Customer support team members looking to transition to Product Management.

  • Project managers looking to transition to Product Management.

  • Business Analysts looking to transition to Product Management.

  • Graduates looking to start their career.


The demand for Product Management is on the rise today with more and more companies discovering how important this function is and how it accelerates the growth and innovation of a business. Product Managers are in charge of the key ingredient of every successful business – its product. They are directly involved in making core strategic growth-driving decisions. And it’s not surprising that they often go on to found their own startups or join executive teams!

But how exactly do you get there?

By going through the course you will learn 3 strategies on how you can build up your product management expertise to successfully transition to the Product Manager (PM) role. Also, you will complete a practical exercise to assess your current skills and find transferable skills you already have to apply for the PM position.

We will also cover some fundamentals, including:

1. Who is a Product Manager.

2. What is an end-to-end product management process.

3. What types of Product Managers exist.

4. What are emerging PM types (AI Product Manager, Growth Product Manager, etc.).

There are no prerequisites for the course. It is perfect for working professionals planning to transition to Product Management as well as graduates looking to start their career.

Section 1: Introduction

Course Introduction

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What does a PM do, really?

End-to-End Product Management Process

Product Vision & Strategy

Building up strategic product roadmap

Solution design & validation

Product development

Product launch & improvement

Product Managers of different types

B2B Product Manager

B2C and Internal Product Manager

Emerging PM type: AI Product Manager

Emerging PM type: Growth Product Manager

How to get the right experience

Strategy 1: Internal Transfer

Skills Assessment

Strategy 2: Business incubation program

Strategy 3: Side project


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This Course Includes

19 Lessons
0 Quiz
0 Assignment
3 Downloadable Resources
Full Lifetime Access
Certificate of completion
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