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Sell Photos, Footage & AI Images Online - A Beginner Course

Stock Photography and Illustration Beginners Guide - Sell Photo, Video at Adobe Stock, Shutterstock, microstock agencies

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What you will learn

  • You will learn how to earn money from your photos, video footage, generative AI images, and animations at stock agencies like Adobe Stock.

  • You will learn how to determine what the hottest selling topics and themes are, so you can create work that sells.

  • You will learn how to keyword your images so customers can easily find and buy your work.

  • You will learn what the best selling stock agencies are, their requirements and what type of images and video they need.

  • You will learn how to use AI (Midjourney, ChatGPT, etc.) to create images and help you keyword.

  • You will learn mistakes to avoid, so your work is not rejected and your account is not banned.

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • You need to have a basic understanding of creating photos, illustrations or videos. (This is a course on how to sell your work.)

  • You don't need any knowledge or experience in selling your work online. This course will cover the key steps.

Who is this course for

  • Photographers (amateur or professional)

  • Videographers (amateur or professional)

  • Animators (amateur or professional)

  • Anyone with basic creative skills who wants to earn passive income online


Start selling your photos, illustrations, video or AI images online today!

If you want to generate online income from your creativity, this masterclass is the best way to help you start this journey today! You’ll learn what are some of the most in-demand topics to cover in your work so you meet the needs of the most buyers possible. Whatever you create -- photography, illustrations, video or AI images – you’ll get great insights to maximize your potential sales.

Learn how to find niches that are in-demand and profitable

In addition to learning my 100 hottest-selling topics today, you’ll learn ways to find new and emerging themes that customers need today and into the future. Since success in selling online is all about meeting a customer’s needs in ways your competition isn’t, it’s critical that you’re staying several steps ahead. This course provides several ways to you to discover what customers need, and also help make sure they find your work.

By the end of the course, you'll know where and how to upload your work, and critical mistakes to avoid

You will learn the agencies that have performed the best for me and others, as well as critical advice to help make sure your work isn’t rejected and your account isn’t banned.

Why am I the best instructor to teach you how to sell online?

I’ve been selling images and videos online at the biggest agencies for more than 15 years. I’ve generated significant online income and have learned many best practices that have helped me figure out what customers need and how to serve them in unique ways. I’ve streamlined my workflow to minimize the busy work and maximize downloads and earnings. I’m packing just about everything I’ve learned into this masterclass to help you grow your own portfolio and sales.

Here’s my promise

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have throughout the course. I want you to have a five-star experience, so I’ll be watching for your questions that you can post in the course and will provide answers or feedback as quickly as possible.

This course will cover the critical steps to successfully sell online:

· Identifying what is selling today so you generate content customers need

· Uploading to the best agencies for images and video

· Titling and keywording your work so more customers can find it

· Streamlining your workflow to grow your portfolio of in-demand work

· Avoiding mistakes that could get you rejected or banned

· Using AI tools to create images and keyword your images or videos

· Tracking your downloads and trends to build on your success

· And so much more!

Who this course is for:

· Photographers, illustrators, videographers, animators and creators of generative AI images

· Anyone wanting to turn their creativity into passive income

· Beginners or those already selling online – you’ll learn not just how to get started but also how to improve your processes and ability to find profitable niches to cover

Introduction to Selling Photos, Video and AI Images Online

Welcome to the Selling Online Masterclass - You Can Do This!

Download the 100+ Page "Selling Online" Course Book

My Income and 15 Years of Learnings from Selling Online

Passive Income Opportunity - The State of Selling Online Today

How Much Can You Earn? Commissions at the Agencies

The Future of Selling Online - What Are the New Opportunities?

Types of Content You Can Sell: Photos, Illustrations, Video, Generative AI

The Formulas for Success in Selling Online

What Sells - The Topics You Should Focus On

How to Learn What is Selling at the Big Agencies

My List of 100 Hottest Selling Topics to Generate Passive Income

Sources to Help You Find New In-Demand Themes to Cover in Your Work

What Do the Agencies Say They Need Right Now?

How to Title and Keyword to Sell Your Work to More Customers

Writing Effective Titles to Help Customers Find and Buy Your Content

The Best Workflows - A Step-by-Step Guide from Creating through Uploading

The Best Ways to Keyword Your Content So Buyers Will Find and Download Your Work

Why Consistent Uploads are Vital - Grow Your Portfolio and Income Potential

How to Create a Great Worklfow - Here's a Look at Mine


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1 Downloadable Resources
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