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Learn how to parent with intention and not by accident
144 Students
All Levels4.7
You will begin by exploring and identifying your personal Core Values.
You will then build a "Family Garden" of Values that's inclusive of every member of the family.
You can utilize these Family Values to tune out the overwhelming amount of "expert advice".
You will be able to navigate parental challenges with true authenticity.
You will then have the power to stay rooted & grounded with your family as life throws you curve balls.
Please come prepared with an interest in developing self-knowledge and awareness around how to apply Core Values to your journey through Parenthood
We ask that you have a journal for the journaling component.
A Joyful Parenthood is meant for parents, caregivers, partners, and others involved in the parenthood process.
This is for any parent of any child of any age. The skills you will learn can apply across the full spectrum of your parenthood.
A Joyful Parenthood is a comprehensive guide to authentic parenting.
This course will enable you tune out the overwhelming amount of information thrown at you as a parent. You will learn to identify your personal Core Values, how to meld those into Family Values, and from there you will be able to stay grounded in your parenting and weather all those parenthood storms. You will explore big parenting hot buttons; screen time, discipline, family dinners and be able to craft rules that apply to YOUR FAMILY, not the latest article on parenting.
This course requires an open heart and a willingness to do some self exploration. This course is not about quick fixes or specific parenting techniques. It is meant for families of all ages of children and in fact can be taken with your children.
By the end of this course, you will have a clarity about your parenting that will enable you to feel sure and confident as a parent, doing the very best for you and your family. You will be able to communicate effectively with your children and spouse, so that every member of the family is contributing to what makes you guys tick. You will even learn how to fight fair and resolve those bubbling conflicts that irritate the fabric of family life.
If you have been continuously frustrated, overwhelmed, and generally feeling like you're on a never-ending slippery slope in your parenthood journey, this is the course for you.
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