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Java and JavaScript: Difference & Which Language Should Learn

5 Sep, 2024 - By Hoang Duyen

Java and JavaScript are two popular programming languages ​​in the world. However, due to their similar names, many people who are new to programming wonder if Java and JavaScript are different or just different versions of each other. Besides, we'll break down their distinct purposes, features, and use cases, helping you determine which language is best suited for your learning goals and career path.

What are Java and JavaScript?

Before learning about the difference between Java and JavaScript, we need to know what programming languages ​​Java and JavaScript are and whether these two names are related to each other.

What is Java?

what is java?

Java is a platform-independent programming language developed by James A. Gosling with his team at Sun Microsystems. Java is widely used in building mobile applications, web applications, and server systems, especially for developing large, complex, and cross-platform applications.

What is JavaScript?

what is javascript?

JavaScript, on the other hand, was developed by Brendan Eich at Netscape. It is a scripting language primarily used to build dynamic and interactive web applications in the browser. It can also be used to add dynamism and interactivity to web pages, games, and other online services.

So, Java and JavaScript are not related to each other. The word “JavaScript” itself was renamed from “LiveScript” in 1995 to pursue the branding potential of Java. In addition, JavaScript is a completely independent language with a different nature and purpose than Java. So, don't let the name confuse you!

Why do Java and JavaScript have similar names?

When reading the names of Java and JavaScript, do you wonder: "Why do two very different languages ​​have such similar names?" This does not affect beginners much. However, to better understand these two languages, let's dig deeper with Skilltrans.

In fact, the similarity in the names of these two languages ​​is intentional. JavaScript is a language designed by Brendan Eich of Netscape, originally called LiveScript. However, in a marketing agreement (generally understood as a "trick") between Netscape and Sun, Netscape changed the name to JavaScript for the purpose of brand cooperation.

At that time, Sun agreed to let Netscape package its leading browser with Java runtime. The name change in language was part of the deal. Since then, Java’s popularity may have waned. But JavaScript has not.

Many argue that JavaScript owes its popularity to Java. But not everyone agrees. Aside from similar naming conventions, the two languages ​​don’t have much in common.

What do Java and JavaScript have in common?

Java and JavaScript are two completely different languages, so if we consider the similarities, there are only a few points as follows:

  • Both are widely used in the development of applications and websites.

  • Both support Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

  • Both can communicate with databases, making it more convenient to store and retrieve data.

  • Both have the ability to handle events and user interactions on the website.

  • Both can be used to develop mobile applications.

  • Both support rich libraries and frameworks, making application and website development easier and faster.

What is the difference between Java and JavaScript?

what is the difference between java and javascript?

From the definition, it can be seen that Java and JavaScript are two different languages. So, how are Java and JavaScript different?

Purpose of use

Java is mainly used to develop enterprise, financial, scientific, and big data applications, along with embedded systems, control systems, and mobile applications. Java is also the main language for developing applications for the Android operating system.

JavaScript is mainly used to develop front-end and back-end for websites, especially in the field of e-commerce. Besides, JavaScript can also be used to develop desktop and mobile applications through frameworks such as Electron.


Java's syntax is class-based and object-oriented, in which objects are created through classes. JavaScript syntax is prototype-based and object-oriented, in which objects are created through constructors.

Data Types

Java is a statically typed language. Variables must be declared with a specific data type before they can be used. JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. The data type of variables is determined at runtime.

Error Handling

Java handles errors based on exceptions. Errors can be handled with try-catch-finally blocks and use type-checking to ensure the correctness of the code. JavaScript also handles based on exceptions but does not require try-catch-finally blocks and does not use type checking, which can lead to fatal errors when running the program.

Runtime Environment

Java is executed on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), a platform-independent execution environment that can run on many different operating systems. JavaScript is executed in a web browser or on a server using tools like Node.js.


Java supports multi-threading with APIs like Thread and Executor. It allows Java applications to handle multiple tasks concurrently. JavaScript does not support multithreading directly, but technologies like Web Workers or Node.js can be used to solve this problem.

Code Reuse

Java can perform code reuse through inheritance and methods defined in classes, while JavaScript allows for code reuse through functions and modules.

Performance and Speed

Java is more efficient and faster than JavaScript in many cases, especially when writing applications that require processing large amounts of data or using multiple threads. JavaScript can be slower than Java in some cases. But, modern web browsers have improved JavaScript performance significantly.

Should you learn Java or JavaScript?

To help you consider and suggest choosing a suitable language, Skilltrans will give you some of the following characteristics:

Should learn JavaScript if you want

should learn javascript if you want

  • Programming web and server applications

One of the most common functions of the JavaScript language is to create interactive web elements. To build Back-End programs with JavaScript, web programmers need to create libraries and frameworks. These back-end programs can be server applications, web applications, etc.

It can be seen that JavaScript is quite an important programming language for web developers, including both Back-End and Front-End.

  • Game programming

JavaScript language is a tool to support the creation of games on the browser. However, this language will have certain limitations with highly complex games. For those who are learning programming, building simple games is also a great way to practice JavaScript knowledge.

  • Mobile application programming

Currently, most mobile applications are made by operating system-specific programming languages ​​such as Android, iOS, etc. However, we cannot deny the function of JavaScript in creating mobile applications. You just need to exploit frameworks such as React Native and PhoneGap to create mobile applications with just the same code.

Learn Java if you want

learn java if you want

  • Build web applications

Building web applications from Java language is one of the typical applications of Java programming. With tools like Playframework, Java development is done quite quickly. At the same time, Java programming language is always the choice for web applications that require high performance.

Java is also used to create e-commerce websites and web applications. Some web applications built with Java are government organizations, health, insurance, education, defense, etc. It can be seen that this language has high applicability in the website-building industry.

  • For game development

Game development is one of the best ways to take advantage of the great features of a website. Java is widely used in games running on many different platforms. You can completely use your knowledge of Java to work at a game development company. Or develop your independent games.

Java language is becoming more and more popular with game developers. After many upgrades, this language has shown its power. The fact that game developers use Java as the core language to develop games is the clearest proof.

  • Designing high-security applications

For example, applications that require high security are applications used in banking transactions. They need to secure customer account information.

Many banks in the world use Java to write electronic transaction systems, such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Barclays, Standard Chartered, and many other banks.

  • Developing Android operating system applications

Java language provides maximum support for the Android operating system. Therefore, this language is widely applied to applications for Android. This is one of the large and growing applications of Java programming. The number of Android users accounts for more than half of the market share, which shows that the demand for applications is very large.

If you own a phone running on the Android operating system, let Skilltrans reveal this to you. All applications on your phone are formed and developed on the Java platform.

  • Use in embedded applications

This embedded application of the Java programming language is the software designed as control buttons on the screen in electronic devices such as refrigerators, keyboards, etc.

All of these are built in the Java language, but many people still do not know this. It is also one of the great advantages of Java compared to other programming languages.

  • Used in various fields

Java language is applied in big data science technologies to process natural languages. Because of its safety and stability when running on multiple platforms, it allows the use of accompanying tools such as the play framework, JQuery, etc.

Software tools are used in many diverse fields, such as Finance - Banking, and stock investment. Java language will be the first choice when you need to process large amounts of information optimize applications, and develop features.

Up to now, most large companies use Java programming language in one way or another. This language is widely used in real projects, from e-commerce websites to Android applications, games, science, etc. From open-source libraries to J2ME applications.

Countless features of Java are applied in real life. That is why this language is becoming more and more popular and preferred.

=> So, in summary, should you learn Java or JavaScript?

If you are a true newbie, you should choose to learn Java first. Why is that?

Because Java language:

  • Easier to handle than Javascript.

  • Explicit syntax and data types help you understand data structures.

  • OOP in Java programming language will solve business logic in large and complex systems.

  • Wide execution environment from website, mobile, network, embedded.

  • Java is the foundation for you to learn other languages ​​such as Ruby, Python, PHP, Javascript.


While Java and JavaScript share similar names, they are distinct languages ​​with unique strengths and applications. Java is a powerful, versatile language ideal for building large-scale enterprise applications, Android apps, and backend systems. In contrast, JavaScript excels in web development, enabling dynamic and interactive experiences on the front end. Finally, the choice between Java and JavaScript ultimately depends on your career goals and the type of projects you want to pursue.

To always keep up with the flow in the ever-evolving world of programming, you can register for Skilltrans courses. We are always ready to be a part of the way leading you to success.

Hoang Duyen

Meet Hoang Duyen, an experienced SEO Specialist with a proven track record in driving organic growth and boosting online visibility. She has honed her skills in keyword research, on-page optimization, and technical SEO. Her expertise lies in crafting data-driven strategies that not only improve search engine rankings but also deliver tangible results for businesses.
