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User experience research: How to ask the right questions?

Deep Dive user understanding & customer centricity for UX Researchers | UX Designers | Product managers

849 Students




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  • Instructor

What you will learn

  • Learn how to ask the right questions in qualitative interviews with users and customers.

  • Successfully run a qualitative research process from the beginning to the end.

  • Work with a fictional research case to apply your skills in exercises

  • Learn about the sequence any research process needs to follow in order to be successful

  • Understand how to successfully pitch your research project and persuade potential naysayers

  • Build up knowledge on the three basic types of qualitative research approaches.

  • Learn how to spell out your business and research objectives to make sure you are always on the right track with your research and don’t get lost

  • Achieve clarity about the number of interviews you need to conduct for reliable results and to whom one should speak

  • Master the task of crafting the tailormade guideline you need for your interviews by following the steps given in the course.

  • Raise the feeling of security in the actual interview situation with the numerous tips & tricks given

  • Gain knowledge on how to proceed with the analysis of your interview including vivid examples

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • Interest in how to craft five-star-research

  • You just need to have a curious mindset and be passionate about user and customer centricity

  • You don't need to know anything about research, this introduction will provide you with the information you need to get started

Who is this course for

  • Design Thinkers, Service Designers, UX Designers or Product managers who do have a research challenge coming up and want to bring it to a success

  • People who want to make sure that their product developments and (re-) launches are a success by hitting the heart of users’ / customers’ needs, wishes and desires.

  • Everyone who wants to dive deeply into customer understanding and customer centricity

  • Everyone who feels that human-centered approaches for solving problems is the only way to go

  • Everyone who wants to understand how to set-up and conduct face-to-face interviews


No matter whether you are new to the research scene or already have some experience, this course will help you excel in future research challenges and bring your project, product and start-up to a success.

Regardless which approach to innovation you or your company adopted, all approaches are based on the deep understanding of the wishes, needs and desires of the user. Entering a dialog with your present and future consumers is essential for any development or relaunch of products, applications and services. Consumer centricity is crucial for an economic deployment of your resources.

During this course, you will learn how to become an ‘insight gold miner’ via qualitative interviews and unveil hidden truths. With accurate preparation and execution of user interviews, your research challenge will become a success.

Crafting the right questions for your interview is always a tailormade task. This course helps you to reach the goal of asking the right questions by helping you prepare properly.

The course is practice oriented. To increase the learning impact, the sessions include exercises as well as theoretical background.

The course takes you through the following topics:

  • Importance of research for the success of your business

  • Short introduction to qualitative methods

  • Mindset, researcher and research team

  • Business vs. research objectives

  • Setting up a research plan (To how many people should one speak and how to define it?)

  • Preparing the guideline for the interviews

  • The actual interview situation with what to look out for

  • 5 golden tips on how to ask the right questions

  • What is an analysis?

  • How to proceed in an analysis?

NOTE: this course focusses on qualitative research (e.g. interviews, in-depths), not on quantitative research (e.g. surveys)!


About the course

About the instructor

Let us get started

Theory and background

Importance of research for the success of your business

Short introduction to qualitative methods

Mindset, researcher and research team

Preparation of research

Business vs. research objectives

Exercise: from business to research objectives

Recap exercise from business to research objectives

To whom should one speak

Setting up a research plan

Recap exercise setting up a research plan

Setting up the guideline for the interview | step 1

Recap exercise 1st step to an interview guideline

Setting up the guideline for the interview | step 2

Recap exercise 2nd step to an interview guideline

The actual interview situation


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183 Reviews

Nina Schacht



This Course Includes

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3 Downloadable Resources
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