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The Secret to Making Difficult Things Easy

Learn How to Do Difficult Things in Order to Create the Life of Your Dreams

838 Students




  • Overview
  • Curriculum
  • Discussion
  • Review
  • Instructor

What you will learn

  • How your mind works

  • How to work with your mind

  • The 4 subjects you need to learn to make difficult things easy

  • How to massively increase discipline

  • How to expand outside of your comfort zone

  • How to develop and maintain your mindset

  • How to create and edit your character

  • How to solve your greatest problems

  • How to remove errors from your thinking

  • How to learn 10x faster

  • How to conduct a data download session

  • How to maximize your energy through the 3 pillars or health

  • Increase your ability to think critically

  • Where you should you focus your learning after

  • The information pyramid

  • The information stream

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • No prior experience or education needed. I will teach you what you need to know.

Who is this course for

  • For those who feel stuck and who want to get unstuck

  • For those who struggle with doing what they know they need to do

  • For those who struggle with procrastination

  • For those who feel called to get more out of life but don't know where to start

  • For those who want to level up in life


Do you know what to do but you have a hard time doing it? This course solves that problem by making difficult things easy.

How does this course accomplish that? We focus on learning how your mind works so that we can work with it rather than against it. We break the mind down into two parts and focus on the knowledge that strengthens your ability to do difficult things.

In this course you will learn;

  1. How your mind works

  2. How to work with your mind

  3. The 4 subjects you need to learn to make difficult things easy

  4. How to massively increase discipline

  5. How to expand outside of your comfort zone

  6. How to develop and maintain your mindset

  7. How to create and edit your character

  8. How to solve your greatest problems

  9. How to remove errors from your thinking

  10. How to learn 10x faster

  11. How to conduct a data download session

  12. How to maximize your energy through the 3 pillars of health

  13. Increase your ability to think critically

  14. Where you should you focus your learning after

  15. The information pyramid

  16. The information stream

Bonus Downloadable Material

  1. A leveling system that gives you a clear next step no matter where you are

  2. Mindset Template

  3. Writing Template with prompts

  4. Data Download Print-out

  5. Print out of each chapter for easy recall

Hi! My name is Chase and I've been studying self-development and productivity for a while now but while conducting my research I ran into a major problem. That problem was that it was easy to learn about self-development and productivity but no matter how much I learned it was still impossible to implement or too difficult to be consistent.

I ended up with a massive to-do list full of great ideas from the top minds in the space but I was unable to take action on that list. It wasn't until I studied how our mind works that I was able to have a breakthrough that changed everything for me.

Once I learned how the mind's operating system works I was able to focus on 4 subjects that strengthen your ability to do difficult things. When you study and practice these 4 subjects anything that was difficult for you becomes easy.

Starting a business, exercising, eating well, dating, public speaking, studying a high-income skill or going for a promotion. When you study these four subjects you strengthen the part of your mind that makes it easier to do anything difficult.

Since learning this I have been able to get multiple promotions at work, get over my fear of public speaking, start an online education company and be comfortable being on camera. This knowledge has allowed me to have deep, uncomfortable conversations with my spouse which have been extremely fruitful for our long-term relationship.

Everything in my life is better after understanding how my mind works and educating myself on the four subjects so I know it can greatly increase the quality of your own life.

This course will help you level up no matter where you are, unlock your true potential, and make difficult things easy so that you can create the life of your dreams.

If you are still on the fence please check out the first few free videos as there is enough information there to get you started.

I'll see you in video one!


Introduction - Why?

Introduction - The Four Subjects


Module 1 - Mindset

Introduction to Your Mind




Comfort Zone

Mindset Introduction

How to Create a Mindset

Module 2 - Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Introduction

Courage and Critical Thinking

How to Solve Your Biggest Problems

Loss Aversion


Module 3 - Self-Education

The Information Stream


No Discussion Found


22 Reviews

Chase Ellfeldt



This Course Includes

23 Lessons
0 Quiz
0 Assignment
6 Downloadable Resources
Full Lifetime Access
Certificate of completion
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The Secret to Making Difficult Things Easy

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