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Positive Psychology | The Science of Wellbeing and Happiness

Positive Psychology | Exploring Happiness, Resilience, Relationships, Joy, and Mindfulness in the Journey to Wellbeing

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What you will learn

  • Students will explore the origins and development of positive psychology as a discipline.

  • Students will learn about key figures like Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, significant theories such as the PERMA model and Flow.

  • Learners will discover practical strategies derived from positive psychology to enhance well-being and happiness in their personal and professional lives.

  • Students will learn how to integrate positive psychology concepts into personal development plans or coaching practices.

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • No Prior Knowledge Required: This course is designed for learners of all backgrounds. No previous study of psychology is necessary, making it ideal for beginners interested in exploring this uplifting field.

  • Openness to Self-Reflection: Students should come prepared to engage in self-reflection and personal assessment exercises. A willingness to explore one’s own experiences and attitudes towards happiness and well-being will greatly enhance the learning experience.

  • Access to Basic Course Tools: Learners will need access to a computer and internet to participate in the online modules and access digital resources. Having a notebook or digital tool for taking notes and completing exercises will also be beneficial.

  • Time Commitment: As this is a 2-hour course, learners should be ready to dedicate this time for the complete and uninterrupted engagement with the course content to maximize their learning outcomes.

Who is this course for

  • Personal Development Enthusiasts: Individuals seeking to improve their personal happiness, resilience, and overall life satisfaction will find practical tools and insights in this course.

  • Professionals in Helping Fields: Therapists, counselors, coaches, and social workers who want to incorporate positive psychology techniques into their practice will gain valuable strategies to assist their clients.

  • Educators and Parents: Those involved in teaching or parenting roles will learn methods to foster positive environments that encourage psychological well-being and resilience in young people.

  • Business Leaders and Managers: Organizational leaders looking to enhance workplace morale and productivity will discover how positive psychology can be applied to improve team dynamics and employee satisfaction.

  • Students of Psychology: Psychology students or those considering a career in psychology will receive an excellent introduction to a vibrant and research-backed field of study, supplementing their educational pursuits.


Welcome to "Positive Psychology | The Science of Wellbeing and Happiness," a transformative journey into the heart of what it means to lead a fulfilling and happy life. In this course, we will delve deep into the scientific study of happiness and wellbeing, exploring how positive emotions, relationships, personal strengths, and mindfulness contribute to a meaningful life.

Understanding the Foundations: We begin by laying the groundwork with an exploration of what positive psychology is. Unlike traditional psychology that often focuses on dysfunction, positive psychology is a relatively new branch that examines how ordinary people can become happier and more fulfilled. We will introduce key figures like Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who have pioneered this field, and discuss the evolution of this science.

The Science of Happiness: At the heart of this course lies the quest to understand happiness. What makes us happy? Is it just a fleeting emotion, or can it be a sustained state of being? We will explore various theories of happiness, including the difference between hedonic (pleasure-based) and eudaimonic (meaning-based) happiness. Key studies, like the Harvard Study of Adult Development, will provide a scientific backdrop for these theories.

Building Resilience: Life isn't always smooth sailing, and this course recognizes the importance of resilience – the ability to bounce back from life's challenges. Through understanding the role of adversity and learning strategies like cognitive restructuring, you will discover how to grow from difficulties and cultivate a robust sense of wellbeing.

Creating Flow and Engagement: You'll learn about the concept of 'flow' – a state of deep absorption in an activity that leads to immense satisfaction. We'll explore how to identify activities that induce flow and strategies to incorporate more of these experiences into your life.

Fostering Positive Relationships: As social beings, our relationships play a crucial role in our happiness. This course emphasizes the development of skills necessary for building and maintaining healthy, supportive relationships. You'll learn about empathy, active listening, and positive communication, which are key to nurturing fulfilling connections with others.

Finding Meaning and Purpose: We delve into the existential aspects of psychology, exploring how finding meaning and purpose in life contributes to our overall sense of wellbeing. Techniques for crafting a life aligned with personal values and goals will be a focus here.

Practical Applications and Mindfulness: A significant portion of the course will be dedicated to applying positive psychology principles in real-life settings. You'll learn about mindfulness – a practice that enhances mental health and emotional wellbeing, and we'll cover practical techniques for integrating mindfulness into everyday life.

Ethical Considerations and Future Directions: As we approach the end of the course, we'll discuss the ethics and potential limitations of positive psychology. We will also explore emerging trends and new research areas in this field.

Whether you're a psychology student, a professional in the field of mental health, or simply someone interested in understanding the art and science of happiness and wellbeing, this course offers valuable insights and practical tools. Through lectures, interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and reflective exercises, you will embark on a journey of personal growth and discovery, learning not just to flourish in your own life but also to positively impact those around you.

Introduction with Positive Psychology

Introduction to Positive Psychology | Why You Need to Learn this Science?

Stoics, Religions & Psychology | Historical Foundations of Positive Psychology

How Happiness is Different from Well-Being | Foundational Definitions

How Our Physical Health is Influenced by Our Optimism and Well-Being

Impact of Religious Beliefs on Our Psychology | Positive Psychology in Real Life

Theories of Positive Psychology | Major Theories of Positive Psychology

Broaden-and-Build Theory | The Role of Positive Emotions | Positive Psychology

Understanding the Impact and Practical Applications of Emotional Intelligence

PERMA Model | Foundations and Applications | Positive Psychology Theories

Flow Theory and Concept and Characteristics of Flow | Positive Psychology

Strengths and Virtues and VIA Classification | Positive Psychology

Hope Theory | C.R. Snyder | Positive Psychology | The Science of Wellbeing

Practical Applications of Positive Psychology | Positive Psychology in Action

Positive Psychology in Education | Enhancing Resilience and Learning

Workplace Well-being and Applying Positive Psychology in Organizational Settings

Clinical Applications and Positive Psychotherapy | Treating Clinical Disorders

Overcoming Depression and Anxiety with Positive Psychology | Positive Psychology

Self-Efficacy | Our Concept About Ourselves | Positive Psychology and Well-Being

Personal Positive Psychology | Positive Aging | Health | Wellness | Resilience


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This Course Includes

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3 Downloadable Resources
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