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Make your Dream Unity Digging Game Today with this Technique

Create a Quick & Easy Marching Squares Algorithm for any 2D Digging Game from Scratch!

376 Students




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What you will learn

  • Learn how to create Objects from Code

  • Learn how to use the Marching Squares Algorithm

  • Learn how to Manage & Manipulate Scalar Fields

  • Learn how to use Gizmos to Display Data

  • Learn how to Decouple your Code Effectively

  • Learn how to Create Structures to Enhance your Code

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • Unity & Visual Studio installed

  • Very basic Unity Knowledge

Who is this course for

  • Beginners eager to start learning about procedural worlds

  • Procedural Mesh Generation Enthusiasts

  • Advanced Devs who want to Improve their Skills


You !

Yeah, you!

You want to be a Better Developer right ?

You want to give more Creativity to your players, allow them to Shape & Carve Worlds ?

You want to be a bit Faster at creating worlds ?

Then this course is for You!

Astroneer, No Man’s Sky & Minecraft use Procedural Mesh Generation to create worlds.

Mobile games such as Sand Balls, Alto’s Adventure & Castle Raid are hit games, and also use the Marching Squares Algorithm to shape their levels & give more creativity to the player.

The potential behind these algorithms is Huge & is a big Time saver for developers like you.

This is why I decided to craft this course, so that you too, can learn how to create your own version of the Marching Squares Algorithm.

Together, we will do it Step-By-Step.

  • We will first learn how to Create a Procedural Mesh in Unity. You will understand the concepts of Vertices, Triangles and how to master them.

  • After making a simple Square, we will add a bit more points to our Mesh and make a One Square Version of the Marching Squares Algorithm. This will allow you to fully master the concept.

  • After Mastering the Square, we will create a simple Scalar Field (which is a fancy term for saying a field of values (I also explain in simple terms don’t worry, I hear you)).

  • We will be able to Display the Field of Values using Unity’s Gizmos system ( You might use that in almost any of your game to Debug stuff )

  • And finally, we will Merge our two systems [ The Scalar Field - The Marching Squares ] to be able to create a Fun 2D Digging System.

Time is precious, that’s why I decided to cover the aspects of this course in Under 3 Hours. You will be able to implement the system (and maybe make a quick 2D game if you’re hyped !) in less than a day.

If you ever need help, leave a comment and I’ll help asap ;).

Wanna start creating Procedural Worlds ? Click the Purple Button to your right !



Displaying the First Vertices

Our First Square !

Exercise - Making a Diamond Shape

The Square Configuration

The Square Triangulation

Interpolation Theory


Scalar Field Setup

Adding Interactions

Editing the Scalar Field

Editing Multiple Grid Cells at Once

Refactoring the Square Script

The Square Grid

It's Working !

Final Polish

Adding UVs

Displaying the First Texture

Applying the Texture to A Square


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44 Reviews


This Course Includes

23 Lessons
0 Quiz
0 Assignment
1 Downloadable Resources
Full Lifetime Access
Certificate of completion
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