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Make the best decisions for your career development

A step by step guide for your success at work and in life.

510 Students




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What you will learn

  • To familiarize yourself with the current context of the corporate and business world.

  • To get to know yourself to design a professional career with which you feel identified as a person, and with value that only you can contribute with.

  • To handle very effective tools that will accompany you in your professional career and that will help you to make the right decisions for you.

  • To overcome fearlessly all the difficulties and changes that will come your way.

  • To find a balance that you can enjoy between your personal and professional life.

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • To be curious and tenacious to discover your potential.

  • Commitment to the personal and professional mission you want to undertake in your life.

Who is this course for

  • Young professionals who are starting their working life and want to have a clear idea from the beginning of where they want to develop professionally.

  • Employees/workers who feel the need to turn their professional career around, either because they feel stuck or because they know that where they are, they are not giving their best.

  • Mentors, companions, or coaches who want to increase, refresh or diversify their knowledge when working in career management.


You need to take an important step in your working life, but you don't know where to start.

Maybe you have finished your university or postgraduate studies, you have already got your first job, and suddenly you have a lot of doubts that you had never thought about before.

Or maybe you've been working in the same company for a few years, and you think you're stagnating, and you want to explore new possibilities.

Or you simply want to change your professional direction because you feel that you can do something different that will make you happier, or that will give more meaning to your life.

If you are looking for answers to many questions that you are currently asking yourself professionally, this course can help you to make the professional changes you are looking for.

Would you like to know how to do it in an entertaining and dynamic way that will help you achieve your goals?

I am not saying that it will be an easy path, it is more like a marathon, where many elements will have to be taken into account. I would like to share with you tools and practices that will help you on your way. After working for more than 30 years in a multinational company and more than 10 years in the Human Resources area where, I have dedicated myself to accompanying my colleagues in their professional careers.

The first thing to know is that we all have talent, we all have a potential to develop, to share with others, and that can help us to achieve our goals. It is normal to feel lost when we are about to undertake a big change in our lives, whether it is because we are going from student to professional, or because we want to change our job, role or responsibilities. Sometimes the task is hard, but it is achievable. I have witnessed this in hundreds of cases.

I have created this course with the aim of showing you how to approach your future steps with a thoughtful, optimistic and realistic plan that will bring you closer to your goals. You will be the one who sets the pace, establishes the priorities and executes your own plan. I will share with you several ways, and you will be able to choose the one that best suits you, depending on your circumstance. READY?

Course Introduction

Course Presentation

About me

To consider before you start

First thoughts

BANI world vs VUCA world

Some personal research

New ways of working

The Labour Market in the future

Getting prepared for the change

Let's take the challenge





Innovating your competencies

What are companies looking for now?

Managing the YOU brand

Relationships at work

Stepping out our comfort zone


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41 Reviews

Flor Pedrola



This Course Includes

31 Lessons
0 Quiz
0 Assignment
6 Downloadable Resources
Full Lifetime Access
Certificate of completion
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