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Banish Burnout & Stress : 10 Research Based Strategies !

Research based Strategies, to minimise Stress, and avoid Burnout, both from Individual and Leadership points of view !

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What you will learn

  • Understand what Stress and Burnout are, their signs and symptoms

  • Understand the Psychology, and Neuroscience, of Stress and Burnout

  • As an Individual : Learn about 5 effective Strategies to minimise Stress and Avoid Burnout

  • As a Leader : Learn about 5 effective Strategies to minimise Stress and Avoid Burnout

What are the requirements for taking your course

  • No pre-requisites, other than an eagerness to learn, and an open mind !

Who is this course for

  • Employees, and Leaders, who are feeling stressed and anxious, at their workplace.

  • Leaders, who want to create a culture in their organisation, which minimises stress, and avoids burnout

  • Anyone who is feeling stressed and anxious, and likely to head towards burnout

  • Anyone who wants to learn about the neuroscience of Stress, and what can combat it effectively


Employee well-being is very important, and not just because it is the right thing to do. It can immensely affect the motivation, productivity, and performance of your team, and organisation, thereby affecting business results.

Stress and anxiety, especially in moderate doses, are not really bad for you. They serve a purpose. They keep you alert, they keep you prepared. It’s when the stress becomes chronic, and unmanageable, that it becomes a problem, often a big one !

But there is good news ! There has now been a lot of research done in Psychology, and Neuroscience, on stress and burnout. And we know that, in most cases, it can be managed.

With the right, research-based, lessons, and strategies, we can definitely get better at managing stress, and avoiding burnout. And that’s exactly what this Course will cover ! It will look at 10 Research-based strategies to minimise stress, and avoid burnout, both from an individual, and leadership point of view.

I cover 10 Research-based strategies, that you can effectively use, to minimise stress, and avoid burnout.
The first 5 strategies are Individual ones, for you to minimise your own stress and avoid burnout. The remaining 5 strategies are from a Leadership point of view, to help you create a culture, and environment, which helps minimise, and manage, stress, and prevent burnout.

Introductions and Course Structure

Course Introduction, and Course Structure

Course Navigation Tips

Introductory Case Study

Some Data and Research Findings on Stress and Burnout

About Stress, and Burnout, the Psychology, and Neuroscience

The Neuroscience of Stress, what happens in your brain, and body !

More about Stress, and Burnout

The Fight-Flight-Freeze-Fawn Response

5 INDIVIDUAL STRATEGIES to Manage Stress and Avoid Burnout

Strategy 01 - "All work and no play ... "

Quick Recap Quiz

Strategy 02, Part 1 - Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize !

Strategy 02, Part 2 - Limit (and schedule) Social Media and Email time

Strategy 03 - Stay Physically fit !

Quick Recap Quiz

Strategy 04 - Stay Mentally fit !

Strategy 05 - Seek help and Support

The Importance of Research

5 LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES to Manage Stress and Avoid Burnout


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This Course Includes

27 Lessons
4 Quizzes
0 Assignment
10 Downloadable Resources
Full Lifetime Access
Certificate of completion
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